
A CNC router cutting out a sleeping platform prototype

Nathan Bonslaver, founder of CarToCamp, 转而向OriginLabs寻求帮助,为他的新版本汽车睡眠平台产品做原型. With the guidance of OriginLabs technicians, Bonslaver能够利用像CNC路由器这样的机器, 这是一种用来切割构成CarToCamp睡眠平台的胶合板的工具.

Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. ——花了一个夏天横穿美国的汽车露营, 赌博平台大全的校友内森·邦斯拉沃(Nathan Bonslaver)看到了一种舒适便捷的汽车睡眠解决方案的市场潜力. He launched CarToCamp, a line of car sleeping platforms, 同时还在十大正规赌博平台大全攻读机械工程学位.

“Basically, 它就像一个可以放在车后面的床架,然后两个人可以舒服地睡在车里, and you can store your gear underneath,” says Bonslaver.

As a student, Bonslaver worked with Berks LaunchBox powered by Penn State to build his startup. He continued on to win $15,000 through Invent Penn State’s Inc.U Competition这是一项由十大正规赌博平台大全学生创办的创业公司争夺3万美元奖金的竞赛.

Following his Inc.U success, Bonslaver被选为六名创业公司创始人之一,参加了十大正规赌博平台大全的暑期创始人项目, which provides a $15,为十大正规赌博平台大全的学生创业提供了1万美元的资助,让他们在州立大学暑期全职创业.

Applications for the 2024 Summer Founders Program open Feb. 5, 2024.

Since completing the program, Bonslaver的汽车卧铺销售取得了巨大成功, mass-manufacturing them for customers across 38 states.

In early 2023, Bonslaver希望创造一种新版本的产品,以大大减少制造每个单元所需的时间和步骤数量. Bonslaver turned to OriginLabs在十大正规赌博平台大全市中心的州立大学发明十大正规赌博平台大全的原型和制造空间,开始测试.

他通过与Ryan Mandell讨论他的概念设计开始了这个项目, director of OriginLabs, and Jose Nunez, shop manager, 他说,两人都非常渴望把他的愿景变成现实.

努涅斯说:“纸上的想法并不总是能顺利地转化为现实生活,至少一开始是这样。. “原型设计不仅是找出产品设计缺陷的必要环节, but also to iterate on your design and to improve on it, so you can respond to customer feedback.”

Over the course of a month, 在整个过程中,OriginLabs团队为Bonslaver提供了持续的指导和建议, working to make his prototype a success.

“OriginLabs creates a safe place where you can bring ideas, 他们会帮助你改进它,直到它可以在其他地方生产,” says Bonslaver.

With the guidance of OriginLabs technicians, Bonslaver能够利用像CNC路由器这样的机器, 这是一种用来切割构成CarToCamp睡眠平台的胶合板的工具.

After a month of prototyping with OriginLabs, Bonslaver能够将他的设计从原型阶段转移到大规模生产阶段, with the newly designed platform now available on his website.

Bonslaver says that when manufacturing first starts, it is easy to pick the wrong route, and end up wasting copious amounts of time, resources, and money, 这就是为什么OriginLabs的资源对寻找原型的企业家如此重要的原因.

“因为我们能够完成从A到Z的整个制造过程, 我们能够探索不同的制造方法,这些方法会影响产品的制造时间,” says Bonslaver.

Bonslaver说,他从OriginLabs中学到的一个关键教训是,运行制造过程所需的机器需要多少时间. Now, when CarToCamp goes to manufacturers, he will know how long each process will take, 确保他不会因为每小时的机器而被多收费. 

Bonslaver说,他很期待能与一些被带到OriginLabs的最新机器合作, including laser cutters and bend machines, to prototype a new line of CarToCamp products.

“We're going to start working with sheet metals, 在我们最初的产品发布一年后,我们对在OriginLabs探索新材料和制造工艺感到非常兴奋,” says Bonslaver.

About OriginLabs

Located at the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub in downtown State College, OriginLabs为校园内的学生和教师提供世界一流的原型设备, 以及来自州立学院和其他地方的公众. OriginLabs的设施增强了研究人员可用的资源套件, 该地区的创新者和企业家以精密设备的形式, free workshops, and expert advice and technical guidance.

这个项目的部分资金来自宾夕法尼亚州联邦的拨款, Department of Community and Economic Development.